Function lazy

  • Helper to define recursive parsers. Say we want a parser for simple boolean expressions:

    "(true || false)"
    "(true || (true || false))"

    Notice that a boolean expression might contain other boolean expressions. That means we will want to define our parser in terms of itself:

        type MyBoolean = typeof MyTrue | typeof MyFalse | MyOr;

    const MyTrue = {
    kind: "MyTrue",
    } as const;

    const MyFalse = {
    kind: "MyFalse",
    } as const;

    type MyOr = {
    readonly kind: "MyOr";
    readonly l: MyBoolean;
    readonly r: MyBoolean;

    const MyOr =
    (l: MyBoolean) =>
    (r: MyBoolean): MyOr => ({
    kind: "MyOr",

    const boolean: P.Parser<MyBoolean> = P.oneOf<MyBoolean>(
    .apply(P.lazy(() => boolean))
    .apply(P.lazy(() => boolean))

    Notice that boolean uses boolean in its definition! In Typescript, you can only define a value in terms of itself it is behind a function call. So lazy helps us define these self-referential parsers. (andThen can be used for this as well!)

    Type Parameters

    • A


    Returns Simple.Parser<A>